My Mod 2 is tomorrow afternoon

12 Jan 2005
I'm meeting my instructor at 10am for training. But is there any knowledge I should be armed with prior to the test, and peoples experiences of doing it?
Ride like you would normally ride, to the satisfaction of your instructor, and treat the examiner as a sat nav.

If you go off the route the examiner tells you to, i.e. you take the wrong exit on a roundabout, do so as you would normally ride and continue. You will not fail for taking a wrong turn if you have taken it correctly.

Also don't do what I did on my test. After I put my helmet on and the examiner was getting sorted, my mouth went dry so I popped a stick of chewing gum in my mouth and because my helmet was pushing my cheeks in, I did the whole test with blood in my mouth.
Try and chill out and don't get wound up if you make a mistake. You won't know if you've passed or not until the end, so there's no point getting stressed and worried about mistakes you make.

Just go for a nice chilled out ride, which happens to be directed by someone else. :)
As everyone else has said, just treat it as a ride out - don't filter, sit in traffic. Basically, ride like your nan would ride for the 30 minutes of the test, don't do anything dangerous, but get up to speed limits quickly, you'll be fine! Don't swan neck corners, lifesavers when moving more than a few feet in your lane (parked cars) and/or when changing lanes

The hard bit is the MOD 1 and that's over, if you've done enough training your instructor should have picked up on anything you need to work on for the MOD 2. :)
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Make sure that when you are asked to pull over in a safe place that it is actually a safe not just next to a traffic island or a bus stop or a junction. if they keep coming up just keep riding until you find a safe spot
Chill your boots Bruvver you've already done the hard part.

MOD2 is a nice little run out with a fellow Biker who I felt for sure Wanted me to pass. MOD1 is the pain in the **** one which could go anyway. As ElliorR said if you go off route or make a mistake as long as you rectify the mistake legally/properly then it's not a fail.
For instance my mistake was at a mini roundabout, I was just creeping forward to go when I noticed a car coming from the right, I stopped looked over my shoulder then shuffled the bike back over the white line.
Instructor commented at the end to my instructor that I had made a small mistake but rectified it quickly & in a safe manor so no probs at all.
Another thing my instructor was worried about was that I get up to speed quickly, To quickly for him even though I only shoot up quick to the speed limit.
Instructor commented to the examiner about it after & the examiner said Yes I do get up to speed quick but thought that a good thing.
Like I said earlier the examiners that take you out are fellow bikers that want you on the road.

So, Chill out & ride how you know you can, Ride safe & Good Luck. :cool:
Life savers.

Pretty much every fail post is not enough life savers.

Exaggerate them, do them even if you don't really need to do them, and exegerate looking in your mirrors, even if as an experienced and safe rider you would have your mirrors set so you could see them with just an eye movement.
Thanks for all the advice, I took it all on board.

Pass, with no minors! :D Examiner was very impressed with how I dealt with the wind. Hasn't really sunk in yet, probably won't until I'm on a proper bike.
Thanks for all the advice, I took it all on board.

Pass, with no minors! :D Examiner was very impressed with how I dealt with the wind. Hasn't really sunk in yet, probably won't until I'm on a proper bike.

Congrats!! As we said, the mod 2 is the easy bit! :D

What bike are you going for then?
I'm not sure yet, keeping my options open.

Going browsing in my local bike shops Thursday to see what tickles me. I don't wanna go all out sports as it'll be an every day bike.
Going browsing in my local bike shops Thursday to see what tickles me. I don't wanna go all out sports as it'll be an every day bike.
Well done on passing & Welcome to the Club. :cool:

Seen owt you fancy yet ?
Thanks y'all! I'm travelling to South Devon Sunday morning to take a look at a '97 CBR600Fv in these colours:

You'll be fine. Have you had training?

I'm not the type to get frozen up with nerves, but 5 minutes before my MOD1 I was starting to feel quite twitchy. Also a guy I went up with me passed before me, so the pressure was on.

The MOD2, even though it's the more difficult test, feels much easier because you're a lot less nervous about it. In fact I wasn't nervous at all throughout the who thing. Actually that's not entirely true but that was done to the gale force winds I was doing it in!
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