My Mp3 player has corrupted. Need help !!!

30 Jul 2007
I knew this would be the best place to get help. My Matsui Mat110mr has been corrupted. I was moving these files out of the songs folder. Windows Explorer crashed which was very unusual. I went on task manager and ended WE. When i ended it this messege came up saying some of my data is lost. I went to my E:\ ( RD ) and it wouldnt load. After a bit this messege came up ' The file or directory is either corrupted or unreadable ' . I was searching on google on how to fix my corrupted or unreadable mp3 player. But i could'nt find out how to. I thought this was the best place. Please help me.
Alexrose1uk said:
Have you tried going to My Computer, and right clicking on your mp3 player's drive listing, and reformatting it?
If the data on them has been missaved/messed up, sometimes completely reformatting it fixes it, as it completely wipes the drive and creates a new file table to replace the fubared one. That'll only help if its not a hardware failure, but if you can reformat it completely, that might sort it :)

When i right click the listing dosnt show. it just comes back to when you dont click anything :(

I need to formatt it through cmd or control panel.. Problem is i don't know how.
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1st i went to the cmd and did what you said .and this thing came up saying that my volume was incorrect, i restarted. MY comp was crashed then ( My explorer was not on ) so i had to go to task manager and do cmd then. My Explorer crashed when i put it on. I went and did what you said on cmd again after i restarted. It said

" The type of file system is FAT32.
Verifying 948M "

It wasnt formatted properly, but i could atleast go in to my mp3 player storage, then i manually formatted it.

This is the place i will allways go for problems. Thanks a whole lot guys.
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