My Name is TotalBiscuit - The Life and Times of John Bain

I 'enjoyed' that, but enjoyed is the wrong word. Looking past the production quality, it was a very good documentary and let John say it in his own words pretty much. I miss his videos and his sometimes very controversial opinions.
What kind of opinions did he have that were controversial?

I can't remember him doing or saying anything in regards to the PC platform that wasn't objectively correct.

Sorry was tired last night so probably didn't use the right word there. I know, and he said this himself, that he sometimes rubbed people up the wrong way but I truly believe he always had an opinion that he thought would be best for both the industry and the gamers. Sometimes he got this wrong, but he was human. :)

I was thinking about it last night and although I still watch YouTube a lot and follow some gamers, since his passing most of my YouTube content has not been gaming related. Had not thought about it until last night.
Is this the guy that told someone to get Cancer, or wished Cancer on them? Something along those lines.

I cannot remember exactly what was said or the situation said in, but yes something along those lines. Obviously he learnt his lesson here, unfortunately.
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