My neck is cold :(

16 Sep 2011
I commute 15 miles to college at about 9am when the temps are around 6-7 degrees? Currently i have some cheapo thermal neck warmer thingy that i bought last year for £5 and i find it does nothing in this weather and by the time i get to college my neck feels like a block of ice, does anyone have any suggestions on what i could buy or do i just need to man up :(
I have never suffered from this, but my mate did horribly, we would go for a winters morning ride at 8am as the sun would be coming up in February and he would b**** and moan about his bloody neck and fingers...

Anyway, he used all sorts of neck warmers that cost him a truck load (could have braided and brembo'd his crappy GSXR brakes with the amount he spent on neck warmers!).

In the end, as a joke, I bought him a classic knitted scarf from Oxfam for crimbo, bog standard length, pretty chunky, very nice and purpler muhahahaha.

Anyway, he never took the bloody thing off on rides! Said after wrapping it round 3 times, and tucking the scarf down the front, he didn't have any issues at all!!!

So maybe give this a shot?

I've got a PoloPancho which I wear quite a lot when it's really cold. Dunno where they got it from, I inherited it from my parents. It's a big fuzzy buff thing with a front and back like a poncho.

I just found a picture of it online and they've made it look gay as ****!

Ive got a smaller one as well with much less of a bib which is much less bulky, but I can't find it to see what it's called. It's not a polopancho though.
I've never tried them on a bike but I've got a couple of those cheap Buffs and they serve me well when I'm skiing so I hope they will work just as well on the bike this Winter.
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