My neighbour called me sad

1 Mar 2008
Deep North
My neighbour called me sad for having this sign up on my wall above my garage door and for having CCTV to look over my car as well. When I pointed out that her other neighbour, who she has been brainwashed by, also has CCTV up "are they sad too?" she couldn't answer that.

I quite like my sign as it's funny and everyone knows it's just for a joke/banter sign. :)

What are GD thoughts?

I’d rather no sign warning of CCTV.

I’d tell my neighbours to do one though. That said, it’s great for you if your neighbours don’t have any, it immediately makes them an easier and more likely target for thieves.
I’d rather no sign warning of CCTV.
Someone near me has CCTV pointed at their car on the street which is probably not legal.
but the camera has a pulsating light illuminating the area whenever someone walks into the field of view
probably more effective than a sign, even if the cctv is fake

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Are they calling you sad for the sign or because of the cctv? The sign I could sort of get, some precious folk might find it a bit childish but sad for having cctv up to protect your property? Aye she’d be getting told to **** right off.
I would have had the urge to burst into hysterical laughter (with tears even, and a hand out to her to stop, whilst banging your fist on the nearest surface). :cry:
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