My new build recomendations

22 May 2004
Hi guys, ive decided to upgrade my dinosaur:
1GB Memory
Rad 9700 Pro

Im after something that will play games nicely in higher resolutions ie 1600*1200+ due to my 22" monitor, lower res just doesnt look good!

So far ive bought an Opty 148 from the MM, i was set to buy 2GB of crucial ballastix memory as i understand you need fast memory to OC well (sorry bit noobish, been away from the scene for waaay too long!). However someone on here as advised me that quite a lot of this ballastix stuff fails, my mate has also had to return both his sticks plus one of the replacements. Im looking for suggestions for the best value for money memory, stuff that will enable me to OC my Opty without costing the earth. Ideally want 2GB but MIGHT settle for 1GB and get another 1GB later when funds permit.

Also want help regarding my GFX card, obviously new build means new GFX card, a PCI-E one but which? Ive only ever had ATI cards, so whats the best card im going to get for £250 ? May stretch a bit more if its worth it. I play lots of games, and am an avid CS:S player. (it'll be nice to get more then 25fps!)

Thanks a lot ppl !
Ram DOESN'T have to be 'fast' for you to be able to overclock well. You can run ram on a divider just fine on an AMD rig. So get 2gig of Geil Value then add the rest to your GC budget and end up with :-

GX-047-CO Connect3D ATI Radeon X1900 XT 512MB GDDR3 AVIVO TV-Out/Dual DVI (PCI-Express) - Retail (3056) (GX-047-CO)
£239.95 £239.95
MY-046-GL GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC3200 Value Dual Channel Kit CAS3 (GE2GB3200BDC) (MY-046-GL)
£104.95 £104.95
Subtotal £344.90
Shipping (City Link Parcel Next Day (Delivered Mon-Fri)) £8.00
VAT £61.76
Total £414.66
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