My new Logitech G5 isn't responding properly!

17 Dec 2005
Hi. I just got a Logitech G5. But I have a slight problem. While using windows, the mouse doesn't respond well and get stuck when moving the point down and right at the same time. It's really annoying! The odd thing, however, is that once I start a game I can't notice it at all. The problem also disseapers right before I turn off the computer. Firstly I tried to flash with the newest 1.1 firmware, but no difference. I then tried to format and reinstall windows xp. That didn't work either!

I've ran out of ideas, what do you guys reckon I should do?? :confused:
You reinstalled windows for a mouse :eek:

Are you using a USB port that works? That mouse iirc is USB 2, sure you are not plugging it into a USB1.1 port instead?

make sure if you are using the latest USB drivers.
Admiral Huddy said:
You reinstalled windows for a mouse :eek:

Are you using a USB port that works? That mouse iirc is USB 2, sure you are not plugging it into a USB1.1 port instead?

make sure if you are using the latest USB drivers.

Yup, reinstalled for a mouse :D

I've tried several different usb ports on my DFI sli-dr expert, but same on each. My old mx510 worked just fine :) . I also tried changing the refresh thing from 125hz to 500hz, no luck there either :(

Surely, usb drivers shouldn't be necessary, right? Apart from the chipset drivers...
I found the problem! How I solved it:

Control panel>mouse>pointer options
The box "enchance pointer precision" was enabled, so I ticked it off and it's alle nice now.
Cheers anyhow ;)
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