My new Motor

The mesh is part of the sports collection package.

Minus the part-exchange, it cost me £22,000. The diesel engine in this thing is just amazing.
v_man said:
The mesh is part of the sports collection package.
So you paid more for it to be like that? Or that was just how it came and you're gonna change it?
Very nice car mate :cool:

v_man said:
All I need is a stool and a toothbrush :cool:

I tried this with the wheels on my car which have fewer spokes, it is just impossible to clean them properly - uber hassle.

Going to buy a chimp and train that to do I think...
That engine is awesome!

The only better engine is BM's 3.0 straight six (with two turbos ;))

Good buy there mate. :)
Cheers guys. I'm chuffed with it, although I have to drive slowly over speed humps b'c of the deep front spoiler.
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