My new room-mate!

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Follwing on from someone's post about the Gecko they we're looking after, inspired me more to get one myself.

There quite lovely creatures, I was a bit aprehensive when going to the reptile shop and thinking if I'd like then or not. There was a few to choose from ranging from £40 (a biter!) to £110.

I got a fat tailed one that had been breeding with two females that we're a lot bigger than him, he's only 10 months. They get to their biggest size at 18 months. He cost £55, i picked up the ''cage'' and everything to go with that.

Got him on friday, he's yet to eat much if anything and he's had worms/locusts and mashed up fruit in with him. But apparentely this is a common problem with Gecko's moving to new surroundings, also it shed its skin on Friday too!

Here are some piccys!

He's called Basil!




yer_averagejoe said:
How much does it cos for the gecko + decent sized tank and everything required?

Well mine cost £55, but they range from £40 to over £100.

The tank cost me £35 and it's big enough, came with sawdust, some bark so they can sleep under, water bowl, heated mat.
I then purchased food bowl and some moss that they like to sleep in.

I'm just weary about feedin them, I hate insects, they live on locusts/crickets/worms etc. I dont mind worms, but the other two, eurgh!

lucasade1 said:
Awesome. I really want one now.

How big do they get?

They get to about 10 inches long, so quite big! Takes 18 months to reach this size
OvertoneBliss said:
Take a look at that Spelling Thread v74.1. I read the first line and the start of the next paragraph and couldn't be bothered winding myself up even more by continuing to read.

Not that I'm being particularly mean or anything. I hope I'm making a useful and helpful suggestion to you. :)

Oh, and eurgh at those pictures. All reptiles are just creepy and again, just eurgh.


You couldn't be bothered reading, but you could be bothered posting?

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