My New Server Setup

14 Apr 2003
Deepest Yorkshire
Just got round to setting up an old computer as a bit torrent/file server, been meaning to do it a while but it's working great now!


APC Smart UPS Unteruptable Power Supply
AMD 2200+ XP Processor
NForce 2 Mobo
512Mb Generic Ram
350W Generic PSU
Geforce MX440
80 and 160Gb IDE HDDs
CD Drive (disconnected for now)


Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
Azureus with - HTML Web UI Plugin
- Speed Scheduler Plugin (limits downloads to 15k up/down during the daytime)
XAMPP Web webserver
phpsysinfo script for sys info
Motherboard Montor 5 (MBM5) for voltage/temp info for above
Folding @ home

RDP software for accessing computer

Shot with uD800,S800 at 2007-07-02

Shot at 2007-07-02

Shot at 2007-07-02

Shot at 2007-07-02
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TheKnat said:
Gonna have to try out that php script because it looks like it could be useful for my new server.

Out of interest arn't you slightly worried about making your file server also run bittorrent ?

Why's that?
TheKnat said:
Because of dud files and viruses disguised as videos you want.

Had it happen to a friend once where he thought he download a program and it turned out to be a virus.

I've never had a problem with virus' on bit torrent, all the trackers I use are pretty trustworthy. Besides all the files I download are .mp3 or .avi which AFAIK are incapable of carrying a virus. They don't even get opened on the server anyway, just streamed across the network to my Mac to play them :)
BillytheImpaler said:
Why run Windows Server 2003? All the software you mentioned seems to run on Linux or have a Linux equivalent and Linux Folding@Home is 15-20% faster than its Redmond counterpart.

EDIT: In fact, in my experience, Torrentflux is the end-all be-all of torrent clients. It's loads better than Azureus.

Hey, believe me i've tried. I've had a copy of Ubuntu on there for a few months and I've been trying to get it to all work together on and off, but had too many problems getting all the azureus plugins to work together without crashing it, had trouble getting my Mac to see my Samba shares and the VNC too which is no match for RDP. In the end I just said sod it and stuck my (free) copy of Windows 2003 on and had it all up and running in about 4 hours. Still left a nice little partition there for Ubuntu when I want to get my hands dirty :d
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