my next project needs a little advice

28 Mar 2006
ok the other day i finished off my long running htpc project after finnally getting the last of my hardware.
Now i find my self sitting twidling my thumbs with a lack of modding to do and low and behold the lord all mighty sends me a sighn in the form of my hifi going pop.
so i have decided to go to work on my next project a music centre for my living room i have a pretty snazzy vhs video player that is sitting doing absoloutly nothing but take up my valuable space its a samsung sv-645b
this will be my start point for the housing and general look of the thing.
i plan on getting a low profile geforce 4 with a tv-out to run a small lcd to navigate the system.
beyond this im at a loss as to what the system requiremants should be that i need to aim for as a minimum.
ive been looking into an itx board for the sheer size or lack of as the case is.
they generally have tvouts so that would eliminate the need for a graphics card of nay sort they have a single pci slot so this would be ample for the sound card if required.
the only thing im not sure on is the weakness of the cpu
i plan on running the system with meedio and it wil;l be a dedicated music centre and will serv no other perpous.
i plan on a 120gb hard drive to start with and upgrade as needed

any thaught on itx would be nice as i have never used the format before and am unsure of the performance value of them.
if itx is a bad choice some suggestions on hardware would be welcomed many thanks in advance
Mabey you could do something like build into the case a small moniter, so you dont have virtualluy any wires except those to power the unit and for keyboard / mouse.

Unfortunalty I have no comment on the itx
yeh thats what im thinking a small lcd riged into ther front and a microsoft mouse to use as navigator.
ill hook a mouse up on the few occasions i have to navigate windows but apart form that meedio will be set to start as windows does .
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