My Noisy Antec P180

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
I've had my P180 for sometime now and it's always been quite loud generally.

Each of the fans has a selectable speed setting, and each of those is set to the minimum.

I'm also using an 3800 X2 + stock cooler and a BFG 7800GT.

What can I do to make things a little quieter?
Yewen said:
The stock graphics card cooler will make a racket, a real racket.

Change it for a Zalman VF900 and see how it goes after that.[/SIZE]
How easy is it to fit a new cooler to a gfx card?
I have an A8N-SLI premium which has a passively cooled NB. Will replace the Gfx and CPU heatsinks & fans.

Any suggestions for a quiet 939 cooler?
Yewen said:
Just try the graphics first, will make a huge difference as the 7800gt's make a racket, the stock AMD isnt too bad.
Will do. Thanks for the advice guys.
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