My old BT Cellnet 'u' phone has stopped working. Help!

13 Jan 2003
Hi, i've had one of those old Philips c12 BT cellnet 'u' phones for a few years now and up until last week it was working fine. I use it to send text messages from arboad as it only costs 5p and I used it at easter from the Republic of Ireland and it worked fine. I make sure I make a call on it every so often to keep it active but last week I turned it on and IMSI Failed has came up on the screen. Whenever I call it, it says that the number is not recognised. Has anyone got any idea what could be wrong? I had about £8 credit on it. I'll be completely gutted if it's broke because it had one of the best tariffs ever. :mad:
There was an advert in the national papers a few weeks ago saying that type of phone was no longer going to work on some networks, along with a few other models.
02 are getting rid of all the older tariffs. Any phones connected to "U" or any other promotional tariff launched when 02 was still BT is going to be axed. You will need to get a new handset and then phone 02 to get them to port your old number in (it should take no more than 72 hours) You'll keep all of your credit as well :)
iirc they cannot just axe the priceplan, they need to move you onto another one. if the phone isnt working, the simple thing to do is ring the network its on and find out why.
I'll give o2 a ring when I get a chance. I don't think it's a problem with the phone, more the sim as the number is not recognised when I dial it. Personally I hate the phone but the 5p text messages from abroad are amazing. I'll be completely lost without it. The 'u' sim cards and the phones are paired together so you can't use a different sim in the phone or use the sim in a different phone.
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