My PC is being naughty!

30 Oct 2005
Hi All,

I'm having an issue with my PC which has me stumped, any comments appreciated.

4/5 restarts will not beep and it hangs on the black screen before anything happens with the bios, machine is on/fans noise etc.

2/5 regular boot ups are the same problem.

If I make any change to ram timings etc it will often one long two short beeps.

Otherwise, it's fine - better than ever in fact! All was fine with it and then one day without making any changes the above happened.

Any ideas.

It's a;

Asus A8n premium
3700 AMD, (no over clock)
Ballistix pc4000, (default timings 1.6v)
GT7800 BFG pre o/c
Seasonic 600w
network card

latest nvidea driver, asus website nforce 4 driver
Thanks Dureth I have already reset the CMOS and run memtest for 2 hours with no fault. I'm totally there with the bit vague feeling!
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