My PC is slowly dying.. I think it's my PSU.. but it may not be...

4 Sep 2005
Right, I think my PC is dying really slowly and starting to speed up. Basically I have a pretty good PC 3500+ Venice @ 2.53Ghz 1.55V, 1GB OCZ DDR PC3200, Leadtek 7800GTX, GIGABYTE GA K8N Ultra-9 and a Sound Blaster Live! 24bit.

Now.. my PSU is what is in question. I built this rig before I knew anything about PCs so I thought "Wow 500W, must be good". Unfortunatly I was wrong.. It's from the "Value" series of PSUs from another eTailor so it's pretty much generic.

My PC is MASSIVELY under performing in games. In CSS I get fps drops to 22 in some parts.. When I'm talking to benjo over ts and we're on the same part of a map his fps is sometimes double mine.. and we're on the same settings and he's on an AGP X800XT-PE :(. I've been told that my graphics card may only be getting enough power to boot and not to perform to the best of its ability.

Besides the shocking performance in games I regularly find my PC randomly rebotting then randomly freezing for no apparant reason.. Then I remember about the PSU and think it must be that.. It is very very annoying having someone will a 7800GT @ stock score higher than my overclocked GTX..

Please tell me this is the problem so I can sort it..

It is very likely that it is, get either a Tagan/Enermax/Seasonic.

Im looking for a new PSU with the best efficency, and the Seasonic and the Enermax are looking good!
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