my problem [xfi]

11 Jan 2005
so, i finally whacked it inot my other pc.

amd xp 3000
512mb ramnforce 2 chipset

oh lookie, its got exactly the same problem as it had in my pc!
Installed, worked fine for all of, 30 seconds when windows rebooted. (I've missed the windows boot jingle :( ) loaded up a song, danced for a bit, then bam, nothing again. Rebooted and still nothing, no jingle or anything.

Time to complain some more, but do you rekon its hardware fault, or just rubbish drivers/software?
back ontopic ;)

other pc wouldnt even boot with it in the machine. Looks like its defo a hardware problem.

if it is, and they send me a spanky new one, and its the same i still get 15days grace by law dont i?
We will need you to send in your X-fi for a replacement.
We will check if your unit is still under warranty as soon as you reply
to this mail. (Kindly attach a scanned copy of your proof of purchase in
the following reply also)

psypher wins the war!
:D They're all apologetic after my rant email to them threatening legal action.

I need to send my card back and a new one will be sent immediatly.

Result I think, Just hope this one works. Ooo and logitech sent me some spanky new z5500's on next day delivery which arrived this morning, its like christmas! :)
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