My Quest for a cooler xbox360

17 Aug 2004
Ok call me crazy but i just got sick of seeing all that crap covering those twin deltas so i decided to let them breathe a bit and do a bit of case modding

Here are the results

Since cutting the grills the airflow has increased greatly and the air coming out is no where near as warm before the mod

Looks a bit gash for now but i do plan on cleaning it up at a later date, lets just call this a beta
da_mic_1530 said:
you have guts man, i think you should take some data from this experiment, im sure a lot of people would be intrested in this mini project

Good idea actually

Ill borrow a laser thermo from work next week and compare a stock box with my modded at the point of exit, im starting to think now the air is not actually cooler but there is just more of it giving me a false impression.

Even so the more that comes out i figure the more that goes in, which makes me think larger inlets :P
Phat Momma Hoe said:
Just out of curiosity, how did you manage to attack that without getting any little bits of shell / metal inside ? Asuming you didnt totally dismantle it that is

Sidecutters with a gentle twisting action.

And sorry about the pic size, i figured the thumb would be enough and if peeps wanted to see all its glory they would be preped for the d/l
Havent really noticed the decrease in noise yet, seems the dvd drive constantly spinning will pretty much kill any idea of that

If it dies atleast ill get a hands on look at whats inside

Then ill go and buy another and leave it alone ! and i bet i still wont have a hard drive by then!!!!!
schnipps said:
People that are saying "have you noticed a noise decrease" why the hell would he??? the machine will still pump out the same noise it just may not get as hot.

Nice 1 schnipps, finally someone has clicked that there may actually be a reason ive done it.

All i wanted to say to you guys is here this is what ive done and mabye supply some findings, man i love the internet :)

I did expect a lot of negative but the odd positive makes all it worth while
FrankJH said:
You are lucky enough to get one and you do THAT to it!!!!

shakes my head

You make it sound like you paid for it???

If it breaks ill buy another one, big deal. Its a games console not a space shuttle????

lol i knew this tread would go this way, people are so funny when you do something out of the ordinary :)

Burst that bubble people its a real world out there
Once ive had my fun with DOA4 im going to open it up and start working on cleaning up the exhust and create some proper inlets, window the side and "decal girl" the rest.
Cooling was my 1 and only reason for getting out the cutters and now it DOES pump out a lot more of that nasty hot air so id call that a good start. To say if ive noticed any improvements with stability or temps im sorry but i just cant tell as it was 100% before the mod. Last year it got quite hot in this little room so i just want to give it a little helping hand through those summer months.

If you want to critisize <--spelling? go for it, it bothers me not. I just thought i would post something that mabye someone might take an interest in as i could have easily done it silent and just posted the end product but where is the fun in that. One thing for sure is that i didnt post it to say hey look at me cutting up £207 ??? now that would be crazy

All i want is an xbox360 that i can call my own :D
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Case is fully dismantled now, taking the cover into work tomorrow to start the window and intake mod. So far so good.

The cpu cooler looks way smaller than i expected

The hardest thing so far was unclipping the outer shells

Im going to put a small grilled intake just infont of the cpu cooler, should sort out any intake problems illl have from the bigger exhaust flow. Dont really want to start spinning off too much metal, im scared enough as it is hoping i dont spark something and ruin the project.

Not sure about the DVD drive, ill take a look at it but thats probably about it.

Should have it assembled by the end of this w/e if everything goes to plan then all ill have to do is decal girl the exterior if i can find something suitable.
I would like to have it up and running by this weekend sometime, still waiting my hard drive and skin delivery so it could be longer :(

I want it to be 100% before posting the final result, you guys are pretty harsh when it comes to the truth so i want to cover all my bases before being fired apon ;)
Bubo said:
Yeah, don't want to ruin your xbox, the last thing you want to do is take a dremel to your 360 and start hacking indiscriminant lumps out of it or sumin or nuthin.

Im glad you included the word "your"

Ok ive nearly finished

I Still have some issues with the exhaust and the clear panel edges but everything is working as intended, you have no idea how pleased i was when it booted up with no errors :D

Here's the nearly finished pic with the new panel, more to come once ive sorted the gaping hole in the back and the mail man makes a delivery


Here are the final pictures, not perfect by any means but i got the result i wanted..........

Since the mod i have had no ill effects with continued 100% stability

Im posting a few pics for those who wanted to see the final product, i coloured in the letters with a plain old permanent marker to bring out the XBOX logo

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