Thought you guys might enjoy this, a little behind the scenes action from a shoot I did last month:
Click through to play in HD if you wish
Click through to play in HD if you wish
pretty cool, how did a bunch of english guys get a gig like that in the states. Surely they would choose a local photographer / production company ?
Ahhhhh, I did wonder why it looked off, when is the real thing going up?
Nice that you've got that kind of relationship. Did they fly you business class or did you have to fly peasant class ?
Great stuff as always Adam, nice one!
good lad
Very good video incidentally, the improvised steadyshot device in the warehouse was very innovative
Nice. Your site is great! Just liked your fan page on FB too
Wish my occupation was that fun!
Love your work fella, looks like a lot of fun.
Wish I had a gig like that.
I hate you.
That looks great fun as a job!
Good work. Any chance of you popping on msn? be good to talk to you about your rig you use for cars etc.
That CRZ looked pretty awesome to drive, jealous!