My Repsol CBR100RR days are over :(

25 Nov 2013
Been off the road for 2 years now after a crash
its that time of the year again and all the bikers are out in force flying past me as i hobble down the street on my crutches lol

The sound, The freedom, The buzz, all gone!
Feeling sad :(

My CBR100RR before

and after :(

And my broken leg


What happened?

on way home from work & a car pulled out on me without warning,
the guy was almost more shaken up then i was

How come you are still on crutches, has the leg not healed properly?

Top of right femur broke in 7 places, not sure how that happened as the doctors say its the hardest bone in your body to break, also the hardest to heal by the looks of it :(

Trackday lowside?.

i would have been fine falling off on the track at around 30mph, but them road cars are the problem lol
Just need some T-cut, it'll polish right out.

Hope you're not out of action for too much longer.

lol i wish T-cut would have fixed it all up, bike was a CAT-D write off, i got it back from my insurance company and sold to a local garage i know for £650 after removing the Power Commander, but i have kept my helmet as i spent weeks painting it, can never use it again though now its hit the ground

God that looks nasty, hips/pelvis?

not %100 sure what damage could be done to hip area as iv not been able to put weight on my leg for all this time

new side fairing n tank repair n its good as new,throw those crutches away n jump back on it!!!!

Was a Cat-D as the frame had some damage :(
If it wasn't structurally damaged and bent, you could've jumped back on it. Bikes are easily written off as Cat D when the frame is actually intact but with cosmetic damage.

I didn't get a look at the bike myself but the report said the radiator was pushed in to the engine and the frame had damage around the same spot

didn't look too bad on the photos but looked very bad on paper lol

had brand new tyres, chain, sprocket & i just had it serviced about 4 weeks before :(
if i wasn't so unwell at the time i would have kept it and broke it down for parts myself
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