My "rethink everything" log

17 Mar 2004
Starting a log to avoid clogging up the photo thread and to hopefully gain some more insight and advice from you guys. Keeping a diary of my training / diet will help me to monitor progress better too.

I've already mentioned I've got some flexibility issues which are hindering my squat so I'll be making sure I continue with regular stretching and mobility work.

My diet is going to be overhauled, cutting out any crap. 3 big meals a day with healthy snacks in between will be easier for me to maintain than 5-6 small meals.

My lifts aren't the best so I'm going to follow a full body workout 3x a week, for the next few weeks sticking to low reps which should allow me to bump the weight up.

Here is my proposed plan:

Bench Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Military Press 3x5
Cable Rows 3x5
Chin Ups 3x8
Tricep Dips 3x8
Leg Press 3x10
Calf Raises 3x10

Once the weight starts going up I might find it too much - if so I'll probably split these up into 2 groups and alternate between them.

As I look at the moment:


Weight: 74kg
Bodyfat: 11.7%
Mate, what neck of the woods are you from? You should get your self signed up to the meet if you're not far from Birmingham
Good man.

There would be nothing wrong with doing HST with better exercises. Syla5 has a log and he's into his second cycle, might be worth reading.
My lifts aren't the best so I'm going to follow a full body workout 3x a week, for the next few weeks sticking to low reps which should allow me to bump the weight up.

Well, my first session in the gym (doh!) and I think this method isn't going to work. I aimed for weights that I was doing in my last week of the 5's on my HST, and I struggled. I don't think I'd be able to continue without stalling extremely soon, so a rethink is in order.

What I did tonight:

Bench Press 3x5 - 60kg, another set at 70kg, just!
Deadlift 1x5 - 30kg (not done this in a while so thought I'd go light)
Military Press 3x5 - 40kg
Cable Rows 3x5 - 60kg
Chin Ups 3x8 - BW
Tricep Dips 3x8 - BW
Leg Press 3x10 - 40kg (again, not done for a while)
Calf Raises 3x10 - BW

Not sure whether splitting the above up in 2 groups would allow me to add weight, or whether I should do something else - any ideas? It makes sense to get the weights up first before I go back to HST surely?

On a positive note it's been a better day diet wise which is something.
Core work is done on a non-workout day, usually Saturdays.

Thinking of stripping it right back to the basics and going with starting strength, replacing the squat with the leg press for the time being.

First workout will be with the following weights (15-20kg under my PBs with the exception of leg press)

Workout A
Bench Press 3x5 50kg
Deadlift 1x5 40kg
Leg Press 3x5 30kg
Dips 2x8 BW
Just back from the gym where I did my first workout B.

Leg Press 3x5 43kg
Military Press 3x5 30kg
Bent Over Rows 3x5 40kg
Chin Ups 2x8 BW

I'm going to be going up in 3kg increments as the smallest plates I have are 0.5kg. Perhaps I can knock it down to 2kg once I start finding it difficult.

Felt really good to be doing the leg press again, felt quite tight but I had a good half hour session of stretching afterwards which hopefully helped.

Just hope that when I reach my maxes in a couple of weeks that I don't stall.
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