My Retro Setup - What do you think?

OcUK Staff
31 Jul 2010
Hey Guys

Just posting a couple of pics of my retro setup to see what you guys think?




It is not fully finished yet as I have got to put backs on the units to hide the cables and other minor tweaks but I just wondered what your thoughts were? Any ideas for improvement etc?

The pics dont include all my game collection which is 180 degrees behind where the pics were taken


No 32X to complete the 'Tower of Power'?

Sam Coupe aside, that's the one id get if could for the creds.
Very nice setup indeed! Apart from the newer PS4 and Xbox One machines, I nearly have the same setup as you (just mine are stored in boxes and not on show - not the original boxes just Dell ones!). Would love to convert my attic and have it setup like you have - it looks great.

I was also interested in Earthworm Jim HD - I was just looking to see if it was out for the PC but it seems it was an Xbox store release which is now not available :( Plus I don't have an Xbox but would love to play that sometime when I do! :)
Thanks for the kind comments people, I wouldn't be prepared to part with Shao Kahn hes one of my favourites!



Pretty comprehensive setup that. My only improvement suggestion would be to put the PS3 somewhere else, because it'll cook itself where it currently is (original model vents most of its heat from the right hand side).
This is what I will one day achieve! Absolutely love it!!!

Have a mountain of retro kit and nowhere currently to display or use it properly, which is really sad

Just need to renovate the house, pay off
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