Poll: My Search For The Perfect Earphones

What Pair Would You Recommend

  • Shure E500 PTH

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Ultimate Ears triple.fi 10 Pro

    Votes: 20 69.0%

  • Total voters
17 Oct 2002
Ashburton Grove
Although I've only had my E500 PTH's for nearly four months now, I've been reading about the Ultimate Ears triple.fi 10 pro phones and the general consensus on Headfi is that they're a better overall option than the Shure's.

Better highs, mids and awesome soundstage and some even prefer the bass.

Has anyone any experience of these, are they worth me taking the risk of selling the Shure phones and getting a pair, as I can't presently afford to buy the UE's and compare them first. What pair would you prefer?


Unfortunately I haven't tried both, but i've had the e500 for about a 15 months, and the longer I have them the more and more I yearn for brighter highs. I just find guitars, cymbals, violins just don't sing on the e500, they always sounds laid back or muffled almost.

As my e500 cables have cracked, I'm hoping shure will just send me a new pair and I can buy the UE tf.10. I'm also tempted at some point to go for custom UE11 as I spend so much time listening to my ipod that it would seem a good investment, although I think that might just be me tring to convince myself that its a good idea.
You should get the Ultimate Ears triple.fi 10 Pro's

How much for the E500's? ;)


If I do sell them, my old man has first option I'm afraid.;)

Three votes to Five in favour of the triple.fi's, still not sure for some reason.
UltimateEars all the way.

I switched from custom Shure's to UE a couple of years ago (just recieved my new UE11's too:D) and they are without doubt the best IEM's I have ever used, and believe me when I say I've tried them all :)

I am a professional monitor engineer for a couple of very big bands at the moment, all of them use UE10s and we are moving to 11s gradually, the isolation also makes long haul flights so much more bearable!
UltimateEars all the way.

I switched from custom Shure's to UE a couple of years ago (just recieved my new UE11's too:D) and they are without doubt the best IEM's I have ever used, and believe me when I say I've tried them all :)

I am a professional monitor engineer for a couple of very big bands at the moment, all of them use UE10s and we are moving to 11s gradually, the isolation also makes long haul flights so much more bearable!

UE11's, they're a bit out of my price range mate, UE website $1150.:eek:

Seriously, how do they sound, are they in a totally different class?
UE11's, they're a bit out of my price range mate, UE website $1150.:eek:

Seriously, how do they sound, are they in a totally different class?

Sorry, the comments about UE11's were more for BUSH to let him know they are imo worth every penny they cost. (Fortunately I've never paid for any of my UE customs myself!).

The step up from Shure E5's with custom tips was incredible when I went to UE7's to start, then I was given a set of 10's for another band, and now 11's :)

The quad driver really makes a huge difference (even over my UE10s), especially when you pair them up with a good headphone amp to drive them.
Just read that the Westone 3's are out, does anyone have any experience of these, as they have a 3 way driver, one each for the low/mid/high, instead of the triple driver, which is dual bass and high, these sound perfect.

Also, the triple.fi's stick out of your ear don't they, looks like they could be rather uncomfortable for me.

A quick edit, they haven't been released yet, but do look as if they could be the answer.
Save your pennys and get Westone UM2's. They sound just as good. They maybe dont have the clarity of the shures but they certanly have a warmer and have a firmer bass.
Save your pennys and get Westone UM2's. They sound just as good. They maybe dont have the clarity of the shures but they certanly have a warmer and have a firmer bass.

I've read that they're a step down from the E500's, so I think I'll wait for the Westone 3's, or, once I've read some decent reviews, the Klipsch Custom 3's.

I've read that they're a step down from the E500's, so I think I'll wait for the Westone 3's, or, once I've read some decent reviews, the Klipsch Custom 3's.


They are not a step down, but a step sideways! Both the UM2's and E500 do things better than each other - it depends what you want? The E500 have cprisper highs and a soundstage thats like 5 rows back in a concert hall. However they lack Bass punch. The UM2's have a warmer sound thats not so detailed and give a soundstage like you are on stage... the bass is very prominent but never boomy.

What you got to remember is when we talk about less detail on the UM2's you got to remember that these are still $300 earphones and compaired to standard earphones even costing £100 these are still far more detailed.
If the E500's have crisper highs, then the UM2 won't cut it, since that's what I think is the E500's weak point and I'm not that disappointed with the bass on the E500's anyhow.

It seems there isn't an IEM out there that does everything, hence me probably having to wait until the new Westone's get released, with the low/mid/high drivers, unless I win the lottery, then the UE11's will be bought.;)
I've now received my new triple.fi's, managed to fit the black Shure foamies and I must admit, I'm very impressed with them.

The high's that were missing are now back in abundance, the soundstage is bigger and better than the E500's and with the foamies in place, there is no lack of bass either.

Overall, the E500's are a super set of phones, but I just prefer the more detailed sound of the triple.fi's, rather than the warmer, more rounded sound of the Shures, which my old man will now take possession of.
thanks, i appreciate that:) if they major in the qualities you mentioned above, im sold. im not big on the warm "UK" sound, I definitely prefer an accurate and more detailed sound:) how is the fit in general? do they stick out as much as you imagined?
thanks, i appreciate that:) if they major in the qualities you mentioned above, im sold. im not big on the warm "UK" sound, I definitely prefer an accurate and more detailed sound:) how is the fit in general? do they stick out as much as you imagined?

They do stick out a bit, but I haven't tried the "flip flop" mod, in other words, swapping the left and right wires, so it fits better in the ear.

I'll be trying a few things out over the new few days, as I've only had them since this afternoon.
As promised, here's a picture of the triple's with Shure foamies, not very good quality, but the best my K850i could manage in a couple of minutes.

How would you rate the GOLDRING GX200 earphones for a casual listener?

i'll be using them with my ZEN as the stock ones are way too big for my ears, They just plain hurt trying to get them to stay in.
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