my shots of NYC - beginer

18 Jul 2006
as some of you might know i've moved over to the US, my flight stopped over in NYC and i had 3 hours to burn

so i grabbed my Cannon IXUS 700 and snapped away results (my first ever time at trying to be smart with a camera :p)




Peace out Hombres :cool:
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Saturation is a little tooooo overdone for my liking. Sometimes I like to take the saturation all the way down to almost b&w and then whack the contrast up. Can produce an unexpected but nice result :)

*edit, I quite like the viginetting effect though...
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I think all three are great. Very stylised, but it suits the images.

You say you're a beginner?... these are better than a lot of experienced people's photos IMO.

You're so lucky to have moved to the US. Where abouts have you moved to?
thanks guys, always wanted to get into photography just never had anything good to take!

i've moved to florida but i'll be starting Ramapo college in NJ, but my parents live down here!

will go to the beach tonight for more pics :)
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