My site has been hacked

I hope my payment details are safe. There are so many hosting companies about, can you reccomendsome good ones in case integrahost dont come back?
At least my emails are still working. Im not sure if they got into cpanel because no settings/password have been tampered with. Could this be done without using the cpanel password?
I'm not sure what to do. I can't send them emails because theydont get sent with a 'domain not found' error. Do I wait or look for a new host? My domain name was free with the package, so what are the chances of transfering it? When I signed up it said that I could buy the domain if I left but how can I if they dont come back?:(
Do you think it was a hardware failure? I think that maybe the whole thing got hacked. Its been more like 5 days too since their site went down.
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