my soon to be conroe spec

22 Oct 2004
Im very excited about going to conroe ive been waiting weeks to get it and in that time ive had distractions, xbox360, fx62 but luckily im strong in the force and am one minded :)
Anyway im already thinking about my conroe spec what you think:

e6700- not idea on price
mobo-most probably abit or dfi as thats the ones ive had experience with
OCZ 2GB PC2-8000 Dual Channel XTC Platinum Series- im not sure if its worth it cause i have no idea how to overclock memory.
Western Digital Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM SATA 16MB Cache- purely for OS and antivirus stuff
Hitachi Deskstar 7K500 NCQ 500GB SATA-II 16MB Cache- for my millions of games

All the rest from my current spec will go into it:
enemermax 600w
eclipse 62
the only thing im unsure of is the hard drives have i chosen good ones, i know its really good to have a hard drive that rubs at 10000 to use as the OS but im not sure if ive chosen a good second hardrive that has plenty of space and is reliable.
To be honest you might as well not bother with the Raptor, a waste of money as far as I've seen. My Spinpoint 250gb gets into farcry quicker, quieter and cooler than a raptor ever has.

Unless you totally don't care about noise or heat, then I wouldn't bother.
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