My SQL Query Browser

23 Oct 2005
North London
I have been using SQL Server 2000 for a while at work but have decided to enable MySQL on my website as it was cheaper. I am having some trouble in using the MySQL Query Browser to insert multiple records.

I have the following table

id int identity
name varchar(45)

and am trying to run the following insert statements in a new script

insert into robtest(name) values('rob5');
insert into robtest(name) values('rob6');
insert into robtest(name) values('rob7');
insert into robtest(name) values('rob8');

This seems to run fine some times but not others as I seem to be getting duplicate entries inserted into the destination table even though I have truncated the table before running the insert. For this insert I ended up with this data in the table

id name
1 rob5
2 rob6
3 rob7
4 rob8
5 rob8

Anyone got any ideas?
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