My steam account...

fiveub's Slave
1 Sep 2007
I'm basically reformatting my PC do i need to back anything up for steam for example will my tf2 stats need backing up or will they be automatically backed up with steam?

If you're formatting and re-installing, might be worth creating 2 partitions on your new install. One for windows, the other for games/personal files. So you can flatten your windows install in the future without having to set up all your games etc again.

At the moment i have a 80gb which is rapidly running out of space. So my plan is to put windows on my 80gb and install my new 500gb hard disk on it for music/games/films
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I'd personally partition the 80GB. 20GB for XP and the rest as a games partition. Saves a lot of a trouble in the long run.
I like that idea. Will 60gb be enough though? As a lot of games nowadays seem to be like 8gb for install. Maybe i should use the 60gb for music and partion 150gb for games from my 500gb.

wrong choice. install windows fresh on the 500gb drive ( partition it first) as it'll be far faster than what you have now. use the 80gb for music instead, but keep your eye on it as its an old drive.

They are both equally the same drive, just different sizes.
I bought them both at pretty much the same time just i have never been able to get the 500gb hard drive to work as for some reason when i put it in the computer it thinks it is a cd drive. :rolleyes:
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