My Thermaltake Armour mod!

14 Oct 2003
South Derbyshire
well i gave up on trying to find a 25cm side panel

so i modded it my self

so here it is [pics are rubbish atm, looks way better in the flesh]

Not finish yet as i ran out of rivits i had spare :P

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I would have, if i could find one, only place is usa and im not keen on buying anything from there.

once i get hold of a better cam ill upload better quality pics
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I'm waiting for the 25cm panel aswell, but i'll just wait it out. I might just get one ordered in from usa if it doesn't cost too much but if not i'll just wait.
id trade my 25cm fan on mine with ya, seriously the thermaltake 25cm fan is crap!! it shifts hardly bloody nothing lol.

ya better off with a few 12cms it does the job better
Looking pretty good. I sort of modded mine, i cut some squares with a dremel to tidy the wiring and i also rplaced the back fan with a akasa amber and put the spare blue fan on the from and hooked it up with some cable ties :D.
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