My very early .Net DAL framework...

28 Aug 2006
I was part of a developer department of a web agency.

I was a senior placed in a team that was to conduct R+D on new web technologies, with the intention of moving our current now classic ASP and PHP coding, into the new ASP.NET framework.

I managed to get web services working from just the CLI version of .NET v1.0, before any IDEs were available.

I have included in this post a downloadable .zip file of my last R+D project to make a common web and data access layer framework to form the backbone of our future web projects. The work was done around 11 years ago and last compiled with .NET 2.0. Its lacking in comments, so I know it could have been better.

Our goal was for a database extraction layer that could be used for both MS SQL and MySQL with minimal code changes.

Its not perfect, and could probably be improved in many ways. It did provide the DAL for a few of my personal test projects for MS SQL and MySQL with only a couple of namespace reference changes for whichever server I targeted.

Anyway, here is my framework from many years ago.

I don't mind, if you think its good, bad, or whatever critique you provide. It was still in the R+D beta stage. Some might just find it an interesting browse around.

18 Oct 2002
SW London
I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of the OP's post was, but being brutally honest the code is very much showing its age.
It's fairly idiomatic .NET 1.1 code, but really isn't of much use to anyone these days.

If someone wants simple SQL database access I'd say to use a micro ORM these days.
28 Aug 2006
I didn't post it as a modern day DAL. It did it like a time capsule, a snapshot from that time frame. Like a piece of art work in a gallery, so to speak.

It has no use in this day an age, with Entity Framework and other object modelling frameworks.

Like I said, it was coded as an R+D project in 2003, for a purpose and direction. That is all, and nothing else.
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