My videos seem slightly grainy?

6 Jan 2006
First off I'm not sure weather this is the correct forum for this to be in.

I recently had to format my hard drive and so I backed up all of my data including my videos then put them all back onto the disk once the format and re-install was complete.

It seems that my videos look slightly more grainy than they did before the format. At first I thaught it might have been down to the fact I backed them up then put them back onto the disk and maybe lost a little quality so I made a new test video but its the same quality.

Does anyone have any ideas on why my videos seem to be more grainy than they did before and how I would go about fixing it?

I would guess it's down to the codec being used to play back the video differs to the one you previously used. What sort of video is it? MPG, DV ?

im making the assumption that rather than re-encode which would have been silly you simply copied the videos on to a dvd.

if you copied them back to the drive the only reason i can offer is the contrast / brightness / gamma of your monitor has changed either in hardware, the profile or the software player / settings.
If you're not running media player 10 do so.
Other than that can't really think why they would look more grainy after a re-format unless you've changed your display drivers. Try rolling back.
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