My website portfolio, help and criticism please :)

10 Apr 2006
North West

This is just an online portfolio i have been working on to display my university work from my first year. Not really into code that much so any of these errors may be stupidly simple to solve :)
Criticism welcome but dont state the obvious, ie that there is no content at the moment and there is no real need for a website in this state, as im just looking to get the general layout sorted before adding real content.

If you can, view the page in IE and FF and any other browsers as i do need to check what the pages look like in a lot of browsers.
The sub navidation looks different in the 2, and the right hand content aligns correctly in IE, but not in FF. They have the same pixel setting but in FF it seems to be 3pixels out. ( I am using h1 and h2, if i use h1 and h1 it is fine, but h1 and h2 creates an offset in IE but not FF i think )
On the Services page, i used circles for each of the main list titles, this works fine in FF but they do not show in IE, is there any way around this ?
The images that are shown in the Portfolio sections line up correctly in IE, but they are aligned to the left in FF instead of the right.

i did have this looking exactly how i wanted in FF, but when i tested it in IE the alignment for the images and headings were out of line.

If i think of anything else or if you spot anything else please post :)

It will be xHTML Strict Valid once completed, i think some of the pages are at the moment but not all :)

edit: one of my friends just looked at the page on a widescreen monitor running 1280*960 and said the HOME was infront of the banner ? if anyone can check that, as i just changed resolution and it was fine for me
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Thanks for the feedback so far.
i was thinking of making the header/logo a link back to the index page, just never got round to putting it in.
About the sub navigation, i did have it was a white background but it seemed to stand out too much and look like the nav bar was generally too big. At the minute the sub nav bar looks funny, as it was sealed off in a dotted container, which looked fine in FF, but IE had different ideas so ive had to start playing around with the code to get it looking fine in both, so far not fully looking like i wanted!

The About Us and the content referring to me and us etc which is confusing but i will sort that out, as i think that a more personal approach will be better as it is really going to be for showing off my work so far, so there is no point using an US and not ME.
The main nav bar i was thinking of changing to a small same sized flash banner, but im not sure whether to keep it as an image or convert it to a flash banner.
lol i like the welcome to comment though :P I'll probably stick that just on the main 4 pages, and probably change it so they dont have the exact same wording, as you said it could get irritating to re-read.
About the text running into the footer, is the best option just to set a maximum height on the content section and have the overflow into a scroll ? As i tried this and it buggered up, unless i did something wrong.

Many thanks for taking the time out to go through the site though, nice to have some feedback :)
Think i will end up changing the navigation to flash, or maybe just create a drop down menu with CSS for the portfolio section.

I've updated the site now, see what you think :) The subnav bar i didnt like but it's growing on me the more i look at it, but i might see if i can get a gradient on the left aswell as it just seems to start suddenly.
The only thing i cant seem to get right is the imagesright, works fine in IE, but the images wont align right in FF, or i can get it fine in FF but not in IE, cant seem to get both :*(
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