My website portfolio

11 Dec 2003
Helensburgh, Scotland
Hi all,

If you wouldn't mind having a browse through my website portfolio through the photos and if you could let me know which ones you think are not that great and could do with the bin, I won't be offended honestly. Unless you tell me the whole website should be binned :p

I have stuck on what I feel to be too many photos and I want to get rid of the weaker links and leave a stronger portfolio there. Thanks a lot.
I can see the site but it is very slow to load and I had to give up!

Sorry can't comment on the photos but maybe redesign the site so it is quicker to load?
Flash is slow at the best of times, I'm not a fan of simpleviewer, pics are too small in my opinion and a lot of the page is devoted to navigation.
my main gripe with the site apart from the loading speed is the same one i have with most gallery sites, the images are tiny.

I use with a fiver a month fee and I can host images as large as I want. It's not something i built myself but i think its a cracking product
Site.. requires.. flash.. must.. control.. fists.. of.. death.

As above though, the site really doesn't showcase the pictures particularly well (the scaling seems a little 'odd' at times too). Have you looked at things like Gallery? They can be a bit of an ass to get working the way you want, but a simple template will concentrate more on the pictures and less on the fancy pants stuff around it :)
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