my website problems

12 Feb 2006
ok i have just managed to host this site for free which will only be for the moment until it is finished.

this is the location of the site:

bar in mind this is my first site and im only 18 what do you think? the parts that i copied are the JS for the home page writting, though i have tried to understand it i will try again soon, and the CSS for the photos, which i fully understand now as i had many problems with it and the only way to sort it was to bascailly start again with it, though the idea of the original still is there.

at the moment im trying to finish the photos page and it is coming well but having a few problems. The first is that i want either an image to already be loaded onto the space when you first go there, but for that to happen i also need to make it so that the images when hovererd over will stay after the mouse has gone. Anyone with any clue how to? i have tried and tried and this really isn't something i can do.

Also how can i make a h3 text only be a certain width and then if there is more it just wraps the text? this is simple i just cant remeber so when someone posta a reply i may have already found the solution, posting just incase i can't

from what i can rememeber i have tried floating the h3, tried a realative posistion, absolute posotion, and aligning it, neither make it to the right of the thumbnails.

i also will want a button at the bottom that when clicked will load another set of thumbnails replacing the current ones without if possible loading another page. this though i think can wait until the other 2 problems are sorted

thanks guys
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SiD the Turtle said:
Can't help much but:

I imagine you have a javascript that says something like onmouseover() load the image, and onmouseout() (cant remember the exact command) restore the image. Remove the onmouse out and it'll stick. Also, change the thumbnails to be thumbnails, rather than shrinked versions of the big picture- the page takes ages to load otherwise.

Apart from that, looking okay to me!

there is no Javascript for the photos, pure CSS which is why im stuck. also the thumbnails are thumbnails of the images rather then just a part of the full image if thats what you meant. i didn't realise it took ages to load, how would i make it take less? i know i am giong to adjust the images to look better in PS like get rid of the marks made with the scanner so at this time i will reduce the size of the thumbnails aswell. i tihnk the loading time may be that the image loaded when you hover over the thumbnail is the full big image, i plan to make images just to fit that spot that will be much smaller
blade007 said:
the menu "shakes" as you hover over a menu item, FF 1.5

i use FF aswell and i don't think i get that. unless do you mean like the ones to the left move when you hover over them. for instance if you hover over home none will shake, but then over say bio, bion photo and home will shake slightly? this is because the size increases by 1px though i was thinking of getting rid of as i don't like that affect. kept it as was unsure

is this what you mean?

no she is a actress. i decided on the site for a first simple project for me and some sites she has signed up to have the ability to put your wesite on so ithought just make is seem better if she got a site.

unfortunately i don't have msn, only talked to the gf (amber) and as we see each other a lot now no point of it.

isn't the coloured writting only in the first home page and not the photos page? well it is just rerhe as i found it on a search for ideas and thought it was cool so just plonked it there. No page has anything they that will be there at the end except the photos page.

i updated the css and photos page which changed the text on the photos page to be to the right, but its not showing for me on the site, can anyone confirm for me where the text saying, hover over the image to see it.... is?
Mekrel said:
That is what he means, and I agree that it looks broken, rather than a desired effect.

ok its gone then, like i said i wasn't sure on it either.

dang didn't realise how wrnog it looked in IE. this is gonig to take some time to sort out :( and i thought it was going so well
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well the chaning text may go as that page i haven't even started yet

i just discovered that aswell. is this not a simple fix though? maybe just add a z-index:-1 or something? i did try i tinhk it FF didn't like it and the text just compltelty disappeared. anyone know the solution?

oh yeah the validation lol, what do i need, the strict one? seems more like what i want right? and this is for every page?
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well im stil having problems with this site and i need your help now with what i should do. My main problem at the moment is what validation i should put at the top. At the moment there is 2 different ones depending on what page and both have there problems.

Choosing the strict makes the website center in both IE and FF, and im pretty sure Opera, but then in FF it makes the navigatin bar not be on the header like it should be in FF. It also means that the white writing on photos page be on top of the image

choosing transitional means that it works perfectly in FF, but in IE the page hangs to the left and not centered in the broswer, it also however makes the white writting in IE go behind an image like it should do

once that problem is sorted i have tried going checking if my site is valid on w3schools ( and i get a lot of problems appear, in fact i think it says that every thing inside a <> is wrong. Also checking the html and CSS using FF web developer extension and similiar problems.

anyone help with this?

once these are sorted out i will then try post the next problem that i just can't get sorted out and i don't know why it is dooing

ahh i see now. ok i was lost but now i think i have found my way again. thanks for the help tonihgt guys.

1 quick last quesiotn, would it be better to instead of using an image for the whoe head, just have it as writting and a white abckground and then have jsut the flower as an image so that its easier to change for different colour schemes and also lower in size?
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