My wife needs Invoice software

27 Mar 2016
Bristolian living in Swindon
Hi all

My wife has recently started a new business and orders locally are coming in pretty quick... A friend of hers is a manager at a nursery and is buying some bits for the staff but needs an invoice made for proof of purchase, We don't really want to be paying £80 a year for Microsoft 365 just to create invoices, Can anyone recommend any programmes or online places to create invoices?

Many thanks
I am not a business owner so am probably missing something. But why would a simple document saved as a PDF and emailed to the client not be sufficient?

What do you mean bud? We created an invoice on Wordpad as our Windows doesn't have Microsoft word and all the others, She wants word as it has templates and easy to edit but seems to be pricey
There are free alternatives to Microsoft Office such as LibreOffice and Google Docs, or just pay for 365 and take advantage of all the benefits it brings (onedrive storage in particular).

I will have a look at the others you've mentioned... Is the Microsoft office a yearly or just one off payment?
As mentioned by Zefan there are free alternatives to Office. I like LibreOffice. LibreOffice Writer is a Word equivalent and it has an option to export a document as a PDF (File --> Export As --> Export As a PDF). For such things as an invoice I think a PDF is better than a Word/Wordpad document because it is harder to change by the client.

But if she is starting a business then Office 365 might be a simple solution, albeit for money.

I'll definetly look at LibreOffice, seems it might be the perfect choice for her.

Use a free invoice creator online?

I was hoping there would be a few places online, Looks like LibreOffice is the way :)
Don't do this, it's non-genuine software. If you're going to pay £10 you may as well get it yourself for free, both are just as legal (ie. not.)

GoogleDocs will do what you want for free, or LibreOffice has already been mentioned.

Ahhh thanks for the heads up, I will try both you've recommended, Thank you
@Minibiker My parents use for their small business. It's free and invoices are template-based so can be customised for your needs. It can also be used completely offline if she doesn't want to store things in the cloud (but make sure you've got a backup system in place :) )

Great, Thanks for that option we will have a look at it aswell :)
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