my working conditions

18 Oct 2002
my office has no window and the flourescent light above my head is flickering, only a slight flicker but very noticeable. ive asked for this to be fixed on a number of occaisons. head aches and eye strain are a common problem for me. is this legal? can i refuse to work in these conditions?:mad:

Are you getting headaches or eye strain because of the flickering, or is it a medical thing?


i have no medical issues so i can only presume its the light. its a weird sensation when i leave this room and go outside to go home. really shows how bad the light is. there is no ventalilation either no you mention it but that has never been to mch of a problem.
go doctors and get a weeks sick note go back to work for a few days then go back to docs then have words with your health and safety rep if they dont do anything go talk to HSE.

what kind of work do you do were they put you in a room with no windows?

you are right I should! thanks for the reply even though its 2 years later! Im still in the windowless room if anyone is interested. My career has stalled massively.:(
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