my x-fi gamer

23 Sep 2006
im just want to share my opinion on my x-fi gamer. i bought a retail box, got it home poped it into my nforce4 board and when i went to hook up the front pannel i went on to find that i didnt get a manual.i have a quick start guide, but no manual. so i didnt have to pinout guide, so i went to the creative site to get the manual and there was none. so i had to google the pinout for this card and finaly got it hooked up.

so now the card works. except that i lost audio to all my media players except media player. stupid me. i didnt know i had to go into the creativee control panel and change what mode i was in to get audio back to various things.

i have never had to tweak a soundcard so much in my life to get it working properly, and it still doesnt. so this card is going to be on its way back to the shop and im back to onboard till i get my x-meridian.
Psypher5 said:
It took me all of, 5 mins to set up, and a few more twiddleing with bits and bobs. O.o

Same, though it seems there's quite a few faulty X-Fis out there causing people no end of trouble.
pinky1 said:
i have never had to tweak a soundcard so much in my life to get it working properly, and it still doesnt. so this card is going to be on its way back to the shop and im back to onboard till i get my x-meridian.

Imo more options = a good thing. Means I can have the sound the way I like it.

I can't believe your sending a perfectly good card back because its "too hard" to configure. (which it isn't!) Just take some time and do it right.

What exactly is not working properly?
Sorry to send this thread off-topic a bit. But I have a X-fi xtreme music card and woud like to get 5.1 from a 360(optical). The only problem is it comes out in stereo. I'm using the creative I/O module it's a very small one and grey. (Not the fatality slick black version)
Firegod said:
I can't believe your sending a perfectly good card back because its "too hard" to configure. (which it isn't!) Just take some time and do it right.

What exactly is not working properly?

im not saying its too hard , its just a pain in rear when i want to launce videolad i have to go chang a setting and when i wnat ot run mediaplayer i have to go back and change somthing else. THEN when i wach a stream i have to go back and change it again. and again sometimes i cant change any setting because it tells me its somthings in use and wont let me change anything. the funny thing to me is when i uninstalled the creative controll panel it actually worked with less problems.

but im still going to buy an x-meridian as it has the dts encoding and has recieved great reviews, i think its been out about a month and a half now.
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