Starting in the top left;
48K Plus rescued, looks like something had been dropped on it and has damaged the keyboard / case.
48K Plus empty case, plan was to be build a Harlequin into this, but changed my mind when I got the broken case Plus (will transfer the guts into it).
48K Rubber Key, that is my actual very first computer. It's been stuck in the loft at parent's house till very recently. Has just been refurbed and is like new.
16k Rubber Key. Issue 2, very clean and is boxed. Just had a new keyboard membrane fitted.
128K 'ToastRack' slightly rarer '6K' motherboard. Just been refurbed
[Spectrum Next - FPGA reimplementation of the Spectrum in such a way that the board will fit inside an original case and link with the old keyboard.
There is also a ZX-HD there which connects to the edge connector of a stock Spectrum and using a pi zero builds and outputs an HDMI signal.
Other bits there include a DivMMC EnJOY for loading games via SD, a case for the Spec Next board, ULA by Chris Smith, spare RAM chips for the Next and a spare pi zero for when my fully case Spectrum Next arrives.
Not much point to this thread other than I thought some people might like to see some of this stuff