mysql backup software

18 Oct 2002
I have been using mySQL adminstrator tool to backup databases so far and it has worked well, but we have just got a new webserver and it has mysql version 3.x and the software only supports 4.0.

Does anyone know of any decent software out there to use for backups. Free if possible always helps!
i think that would probably be for the best, as i havent had a chance to use a web server before it would be good to find out how to do this. Does anyone have any links to good guides on how to do it?
I'd slap your provider silly for giving you MySQL 3 personally :p

There's an upgrade guide on the MySQL site here. Specifics of upgrading will depend on your server setup :)
SSH into the server, then type...

mysqldump -u user -ppassword dbname > filename


mysqldump -u root -procknroll mydatabase > ~/Desktop/mydatabase.sql

Stick this into a shell script... then you're set... use Cron to run it automatically.
if it's going in a public directory then it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to encrypt the data file.

I have a script cronned which does a mysql_dump, then runs that through gpg, and a script cronned on my home machine to wget a copy off, makes for a nice secure automated backup.
Dfhaii said:
if it's going in a public directory then it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to encrypt the data file.

I have a script cronned which does a mysql_dump, then runs that through gpg, and a script cronned on my home machine to wget a copy off, makes for a nice secure automated backup.
Why not just put it in ../[web root] and (S)FTP/SCP :)
Mainly because I didn't think of that at the time :P

That said I can't really see a problem with how I'm doing it now, yes other folk can download my data, but without my private key, and password there isn't a whole lot they can do with it.

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