anyone know why this doesn't work.... it doesn't update any rows even though narrowby table has all of the nby_pid values
the above doesn't work then if I run this update with the sub query included it works (like below)
same query but broken down without the sub-select ....which does update fine
nby_id is primary & index
tried both 5.0.77 & 5.1.33 mysql versions
Thanks in advance
anyone know why this doesn't work.... it doesn't update any rows even though narrowby table has all of the nby_pid values
update narrowby set type_155=1 where nby_pid=(Select GROUP_CONCAT(product_id SEPARATOR ' or nby_pid=') AS 'nby_pid' From product_description Where name Like 'VTR%')
the above doesn't work then if I run this update with the sub query included it works (like below)
same query but broken down without the sub-select ....which does update fine
update narrowby set type_155=1 where nby_pid=12501 or nby_pid=12536 or nby_pid=12504 or nby_pid=12471 or nby_pid=12513 or nby_pid=12607 or nby_pid=12605 or nby_pid=12606 or nby_pid=12493 or nby_pid=12604 or nby_pid=12574 or nby_pid=12480 or nby_pid=12596 or nby_pid=12608 or nby_pid=12595 or nby_pid=12503 or nby_pid=12481 or nby_pid=12535 or nby_pid=12482 or nby_pid=12476 or nby_pid=12472 or nby_pid=12613 or nby_pid=12609 or nby_pid=12538 or nby_pid=12496 or nby_pid=12537 or nby_pid=12577
nby_id is primary & index
tried both 5.0.77 & 5.1.33 mysql versions
Thanks in advance