MySQL sanity check

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
I think I have just had a like epiphany type moment, I think I have realised that my first DB is totally retarded and stupid.

Lets start from the beginning:

I have a database.

Currently I have a dozen tables for each product, with identical column names which I try to join when I query but it fails and seems to complex in my eyes.

Should I have all the individual product tables merged into one single products table?

This would greatly simplify my work and would make it easier for me to query the date, this in my mind seems sensible because I am trying to join them anyway so if all the columns are the same I can just have one giant table with all products on?

If I go down the single products table route I expect to have around 10k-20k entries in 10 years. Would this effect performance when outputting data onto a website? I would only want to filter by the latest 10 entries by timestamp anyway.
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