mySQL - This possible?

26 Jun 2003
North West
I have the following setup which stores my navigation for my Content Management System im creating. I want to extract the results so they print something like this: (PHP & mySQL)

Section Name
  • <a href="?&id=LinkID">SubSection Name</a>
  • <a href="?&id=LinkID">SubSection Name</a>
Section Name
  • <a href="?&id=LinkID">SubSection Name</a>
  • <a href="?&id=LinkID">SubSection Name</a>

Now im struggling to select this by a single query so I can interate each row and print it, can it be done, if so how?

Basically need a 2D array to interate over?

Here are the tables:

CREATE TABLE sections (
sectionid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(sectionid)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

CREATE TABLE subsections (
subsectionid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,
sectionid int(10) NOT NULL,
linkid int(10) NOT NULL,
name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (subsectionid),
FOREIGN KEY (sectionid) REFERENCES sections (sectionid),
FOREIGN KEY (linkid) REFERENCES links (linkid)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

The links table I havnt created yet...

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It cann'y be done cap'n (alright - it can - must get in before Sic and Augmented.)

//[db connection stuff snipped out, but our db connection is $conn]

$sql = "SELECT sectionid, name FROM sections";

$sResult = mysql_query($sql,$con) or die('It broke: '.mysql_error());

$sections = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

echo '<ul>';

foreach($sections as $section){
	echo '<li>'.$section['name'].'</li>';
	$sql = "SELECT linkid, name FROM subsections WHERE sectionid = '${section['sectionid']}'";

	$ssResult = mysql_query($sql,$con) or die('It broke again: '.mysql_error());

	echo '<ul>';
	foreach($ssresult as $subsection){
		echo '<li><a href=?&id='.$subsection['linkid'].'>'.$subsection['name'].'</a></li>';
	echo '</ul>';


echo '</ul>';

(This isn't the best way of doing it - for one thing foreach() can be inefficient and recursive love is cooler, but it's the simplest way I could think of as a starting point...)
Because im using a Database class, I cannot use nested queries because the result resource will be overwritten. Is there a way around this when using DB classes? Also you executre a query on every iteration, but what if my navigation list has 100 sections (It wont be) making 100 queries? Inneffeicient, tut tut lol

Anyway back on track, the following method works but only selects one from each subsection, each section has 2 other subsections:

function getNavigation()
global $db;

$db->query("SELECT, FROM sections LEFT JOIN subsections ON sections.sectionid = subsections.subsectionid");

echo '<dl>';

while ($result = $db->fetchArray())
echo '<dt>'.$result[0].'</dt>';
echo '<dd>'.$result[1].'</dd>';

echo '</dl>';

Which prints:

Section 1
SubSection 1
Section 2
SubSection 1

which should print: ( Yeah I know it prints the section name twice but a simple if statement **** fix this, but you get the idea...)

Section 1
SubSection 1
Section 1
SubSection 2
Section 2
SubSection 1
Section 2
SubSection 2
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I think from looking at your JOIN query you're keying the subsection id against the section id, whereas what you want to be doing is doing something like "LEFT JOIN subsections ON sections.sectionid = subsections.mainsectionid".

So basically in your subsections table you would have two ID fields; one which is a unique identifier for your subsection, and one which relates to the sections table, and basically describes which section a given subsection belongs to.

Your code sort of works, but will only return subsections where a section and a subsection have (coincidentally) the same ID number.

Edit: Sorry, just had another gander at your table schema and it seems you have a number of ID fields defined. I think in your subsections table, you should use the 'subsectionid' field to hold the unique identifier of a subsection, and the 'sectionid' field to reference back to a section that a given subsection belongs to. A slight modification of your query and you're almost home :)
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elkdanger said:
So basically in your subsections table you would have two ID fields; one which is a unique identifier for your subsection, and one which relates to the sections table, and basically describes which section a given subsection belongs to.

My subsection table has that:

CREATE TABLE subsections (
subsectionid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, <--- Unique identifier
sectionid int(10) NOT NULL, <-- Refers to parent

but yeh after you said that I checked my query and i was using the wrond field

SELECT,, subsections.linkid FROM sections LEFT JOIN subsections ON sections.sectionid = subsections.subsectionid

should have been

SELECT,, subsections.linkid FROM sections LEFT JOIN subsections ON sections.sectionid = subsections.sectionid
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JonD said:
My subsection table has that:

CREATE TABLE subsections (
subsectionid int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, <--- Unique identifier
sectionid int(10) NOT NULL, <-- Refers to parent

I just saw that and edited my post above. So.. why aren't you using them? :p
See above :p

Here is my final working function:

function getNavigation()
	global $db;
	$db->query("SELECT,, subsections.linkid FROM sections LEFT JOIN subsections ON sections.sectionid = subsections.sectionid");

	echo '<dl>';

	while ($result =  $db->fetchArray())
		$section = $result[0];
		if ( $previousSection == $section )
			echo '<dd><a href="?a='.$result[2].'">'.$result[1].'</a></dd>';		
			echo '<dt>'.$result[0].'</dt>';
			echo '<dd><a href="?a='.$result[2].'">'.$result[1].'</a></dd>';
		$previousSection = $section;
	echo '</dl>';

Thx for your help
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$sql = "SELECT AS sname,subsections.linkid as sslinkid, as ssname, subsections.subsectionid as ssid WHERE subsections.sectionid = sections.sectionid";

$result = mysql_query($sql,$con) or die('It broke again: '.mysql_error());

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
		$arr[$row['sname']][$row['ssid']]['linkid'] = $row['sslinkid'];
		$arr[$row['sname']][$row['ssid']]['name'] = $row['ssname'];

function printList($key,$value){

	echo '<li>'.$key.'</li><ul>';
	foreach($value as $li){
		echo '<li><a href="id='.$li['linkid'].'">'.$li['name'].'</a></li>';
	echo '</ul>';

echo '<ul>';
echo '</ul>';
Will this work or am I on crack? :confused:

I really should be doing proper work....
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