Mystery Solved CMOS Battery Location ASUS TRX40-E

22 Oct 2006
While rebuilding my PC I ended up with a BIOS Error Q-Code 00 which is a memory error

There are lots of sites that will tell you how to resolve the issue with the last step bing to remove the CMOS battery if all else failed

Unfortunately all else did fail so time to whip out the battery.... except it's nowhere to be found and no amount of searching the interweb would reveal it's location

Time to take a long breath and accept the reality, time for the motherboard to come out and take it to bits, removing all the covers, shields and anything else in the way

As you would imagine the secret place that ASUS decided to hide the battery was in the last remain place I could look, the back of the ethernet ports.

The pics below will tell the rest of the tale.

What a pig of a job and thanks ASUS for a really bad design.

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Does not surprise me as I've mentioned on these forums a few times before - I've taken supposedly premium tier Asus products apart before, after failing, to find things slapped in with silver tape and/or glue, obviously last minute changes due to poor design, etc. etc. sadly things like mobile phones in general are often no better designed if you take them apart and so on :(
The most annoying thing was it was the CPU not being fitted properly. PITA ( pain in the a** )

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