N80 Query

3 Aug 2004
Ok, got my N80 today and well happy with it, but not sure about something.

Basically the 3G icon under the signal bar constantly has those little back and forward arrows under it. Now on my 6680 they only appeared when something was being sent/received and disappeared once it was done. On the N80 it's permenantly there. I have changed the Packet Data Connection setting to "When Needed" instead of "When Available" as I thought it may be that, but it hasn't made a difference. Just concerned that it's keeping the connection open and running up my bill?
Did a bit of googling, seems its an Orange firmware issue where it keeps the connection open, not an issue billing wise but will rape the battery. Pressing and holding the red key will give you the option to cut it off and it will stay off I think until you next turn the phone off and back on again.

I have emailed Orange as apparently there is an SMS they can send to stop this happening
What's the latest firmware?

Mine is:

Nokia N80 (31.01)

How easy is it you flash the firmware yourself or is it best taken into a Nokia service centre?
Having read around it seems we have the latest firmware, I've had no problems either really except the constant data connection issue but thats easily overcome for now
Ok...that didn't work :)

I have changed the setting so Autostart is off and it still happens when I turn my phone back on. I also disabled the Photography service completely and it still happens...hmmmmm, any ideas?
To be fair I have only had the phone a day but its on 1 bar now, I usually charge my phone every night but I'm giving it a few discharge/charge cycles.

I'm just an anal bugger really and don't like it being there, coupled with the billing paranoia which I'm sure is un-necessary.

Would love to have it re-flashed with the standard Nokia firmware but I'm guessing that kills my warranty.
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