NAD C370 amplifier does not power on

6 May 2009
I have a NAD C370 amplifier and this morning I turned it on and the green light just didn't come on.
There was no pop from the amp or anything, it just doesn't turn on at all now for some reason

I have replaced the fuse in the plug but no luck. I have searched forums but other get powre then goes to red or talk of replacing capacitors inside the amp. I am thinking its just something in the plug / cable to the amp as there were no signs of any cap pop / smoke or otherwise

Does anyone know what it may be - Other amplifier may have done the same and not specific to this one. Its quite an expensive amp and don't really want to send it off for repair if its just a simple fix such as a fuse or cable

Althought design of the amp itself is good i cant say the same thing with their soldering work, I have seen many topics where users found loose resistors, connectors or caps had dry connector or not enough solder to hold them.... So your issue could be similar if you think caps are ok. If you are comfortable with it, disconnect power cable, make sure caps are discharged properly, open it up, and check connectors and capacitors to see if they are loose. Otherwise i cant see any other solution other then sending off to be checked properly....
Connectors and capacitors all appear fine. I have checked the fuse (marked fusre in the pic below) and that looks good too.

One thing I would say is that the power button doesnt quite feel right. Its like it half pressed in now all the time - but that may just be me trying to find issue

If power button clicks then i cant see that being the problem, only solution you or an electonic engineer would have to check voltages with a multimeter and just follow it around, could be many things to be honest. Check relays, voltage regulators , transformers, caps, there is also the protection module which might kicked in so check the small pcb for protection circuit.
I have a cheap multimetre and set it to ohm setting. Testing a new fusion gives a reading, testing the fuse I popped out does not give any reading/change at all. Could it be this fuse that has gone?


Top fuse is a standard 5amp. Buttom is out the amp (where 'fuse' is marked on the cover) I'm not even sure what amp this fuse is
If you contact NAD they might sent you few free xD alternatively that looks like 4A Ceramic Slow Blow Time Delay Fuse 5mm x 20mm. I suggest you install a 6.2A or 6.3A one if you can find it.

Edit: Just noticed its marked as T3.15AL and T6.3AL next to fuse holder already...Only few quid if you search it...
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If you look at the writing stamped into the silver metal part of the smaller fuse, it should have the fuse rating and type there.
I owned a nad amp many moons ago. My power button also went so military look belies the shoddy build quality. Never again.
My Denon had been going for 10 years.
On the fuse it says the following
T4 AH250V

I am toying with the idea of selling the NAD amp and my B&W speakers and getting some KRK Rokit 8s but think I may be disappointed
On the fuse it says the following
T4 AH250V

I am toying with the idea of selling the NAD amp and my B&W speakers and getting some KRK Rokit 8s but think I may be disappointed
Just get the 6.3a and try it, i am confident it will work. 4A is typical in amps which what you had.
Just get the 6.3a and try it, i am confident it will work. 4A is typical in amps which what you had.

I'm certainly not a diy expert but i would think the best thing to do would be to replace like for like if possible.

I found this info which to mean says to go with another T4AH250V

i pray that nad sent you the right value fuse which is 4amp if you use a 6.3 amp fuse in a country which has 230vac mains and your amp goes faulty a fire will result as one of the amps safety features is letting it draw more current than is safe.

I'm certainly not a diy expert but i would think the best thing to do would be to replace like for like if possible.

I found this info which to mean says to go with another T4AH250V
Yea sure order 4a just for your peace of mind.... if it trips again that means amp is using more then 4a...
New 4a fuse fitted (£2.25 delivered for 2) and good as new :)
Listening to some uncompressed Norah Jones now and thinking twice about active monitors. My Nad amp & B&W 603s are like a child to me :D
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