If your a wintel shop - do not be drawn to SCOM, I'm sure some organisations have made it work, but most do not get the anticipated level of success, and it's a ****** to support and move away from
You need to automate everything you can with monitoring - manually rolling out agents, check's and alerting configuration is not supportable.
So really you want agents/instrumentation rolled into your build process, and that same process also making any required updates to your monitoring config to pickup new endpoints to scrape etc.
E.G if you use Kubernetes or say OpenStack, get a script to update a configuration file for prometheus in Git or some other SCM tool at the moment of deployment, and have something like Jenkins watching the repo and doing the deploy of configuration file to the prometheus box for you.
Similar stuff can be done for Nagios with its hosts.cfg and other associated files, or with Icinga you have your build process call the rest API to add the host into monitoring.
Obviously will all depend hugely on the size of your environment, the technologies used and probably most importantly the culture and expertise available in your organisation. It takes a bit of re-education and shift in mindset for people from a traditional ITIL/ITSM type support model moving into this new style of agile/devops/modern/new-style stuff (delete as appropriate!)
If using HP Servers than you want to be using HP OneView if on G8 and above (might support G7 - cant remeber) - its a Virtual Appliance, and I believe you can use it in "Monitoring" mode rather than "Management" mode if you dont have ILO advanced licences.
OneView has a good API and also offers a message bus for pulling the data out of it and into whatever other tools you are using.
If using older HP kit you can use HP Systems Insight Manager (7.4 is the latest iirc) - you'll then need to find or build a connector for you main monitoring tools / grafana - or whatever else you using to visulaise stuff.
If using Dell kit - Then you probably want OpenManage Essentials (OME) - I cant remeber what integration features this offers, but its underpinned by MSSQL so you can just poll that for Alerts and other info.
Not sure on other vendor specific tools - we use the Nagios check_snmp to pull stuff out of SuperMicro boxes, and the same for legacy Sun systems
We use PRTG monitoring ourselves - have used nagios and dabbled with solarwinds in the past.
Been having a play with icinga, looking pretty good in theory.
Believe you can point the silent installer to a generic URL to pull the .ini file down which I've not tried yet. Thinking of doing that and just pushing clients via SCCM.
Does anyone have a custom ini or resource for Windows server with useful perf counters etc pre-formatted ?