Nice one, enjoy.
Ref the question about N OS DACs. I replaced the CD5i with a Derek Shrek version (mk1), which I prefered for it's more natural and more relaxed style. That was replaced with a Shrek mk2, which did a much better job on the frequency extremes. I now have a Bel Canto DAC2, which has almost all of the naturalness of a good N OS, but then adds lots more detail (that's the big weakness of the 1543 DACs that I've heard) and also a much wider sounstage and better placement of instruments within the mix.
For transport, I now use a Meridian 500, which will be getting it's clock mod completed today. IMO using a dedicate transport is better than say a cheapy DVD player (used to use a Pioneer 575), though the improvement would probably be hard to justify in a cheap system.
Ref the question on Squeezebox. I know several people with these. On there own, they aren't the most amazing source from a sound quality point of view, though their functionality is wonderful. The people I know who have them, run them into external DACs. One of them uses a £3k Audio Synthesis digital pre amp/DAC, which sounds damn good. Note that the SB is not as good as source as a decent transport.