Name ANY Comedy film to watch this evening at home

31 May 2005
Could someone please recommend me a comedy to watch tonight.

Was thinking of Blades of Glory, any good?

I like comedys such as:

Police Academy
Road Trip
Old Skool
Anchor Man
Napolean Dynamite
Super Troopers
Smokey & The Bandit

Etc, Etc.

Blades of Glory worth a watch or any other recommendations?


PS - The weather is HOT and im LOVING it.
SidewinderINC said:
any Kevin smith film - particularly Mallrats or Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back (if you like the will ferrel improv stuff)
Was going to suggest Dogma, thats by far away his best film and doesn't rely on gags from previous films

Dogma is my favourite comedy. Its nothing like the films you have mentioned, but the twisted sense of humour keeps me smiling throughout.
Thanks guys.

Went with Blades Of Glory.

Enjoying it so far.

Not as Laugh Out Loud funny as say Old Skool/Anchorman but great nontheless.

Especially the "Scissor leg" ending to their first contest.
Gimpymoo said:
Could someone please recommend me a comedy to watch tonight.

Was thinking of Blades of Glory, any good?

I like comedys such as:

Police Academy
Road Trip
Old Skool
Anchor Man
Napolean Dynamite
Super Troopers
Smokey & The Bandit

Etc, Etc.

Blades of Glory worth a watch or any other recommendations?


PS - The weather is HOT and im LOVING it.

Eurotrip fits in with that list. Its pretty much just another teen american comedy (American Pie, Road Trip, Dude wheres my car... etc).
If you hadn't already picked I'd probably suggest Van Wilder - Party Liason, cheesy, trashy and great plus it fits quite well with what you say you like anyway. I've just finished watching Waynes World again though and I'd forgotten how funny it is. :D
Mr Deeds - a decent comedy made great by John Turturro. - "I fear you are underestimating the sneakiness, sir. "
Recent ones?

Blades of Glory or Norbit, equally brilliant.

Castor said:
Talladega nights: Legend of ricky bobby, quality :D

As much as i love the idea of that film, i find myself getting bored towards the end. Very good first half, but i dont recall laughing once after half way.
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