name that item.........

23 May 2006
my uncle is a smithy and he was gifted a giant bag of stuff much of it quite old stuff which we were able to identify (mostly old horse shoeing stuff etc).
but there is one thing we can't work out.

my best guess is you shove it into a bag of grain or summat to take a small sample but that is a total guess.

anyone know what this is

a bradawl is a tiny little pokey like tools for making a hole before screwing in a screw isn't it?

this is pretty big .. it's not a bradawl unless there is another type
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It was the umbrella murder weapon that was used to bump off Georgi Markov.

Wikipedia said:
Markov was assassinated on a London street via a micro-engineered pellet that might have contained ricin.[2] Contemporary newspaper accounts reported that he had been stabbed in the leg with an umbrella delivering a poisoned pellet, wielded by someone associated with the Bulgarian Secret Service.[3]
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