Name that track!

30 Dec 2003
I was watching 'The Real Hustle' on BBC 3 last night, and during one of the scams they played a track I recognised. I'm even half convinced I own the album it's off - but I have no idea who it is.

I made a rather appalling recording of it, but I think you can still make it out. Apologies for the clipping and the woman talking through it, but I hope someone can put me out of my misery!

EDIT: Better recording
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Gilly said:
It does sound a little like it, but its not it.
Yeah, it's not. The bass line has a couple of the same notes, but it's a different rhythm. Doesn't have any vocals in it- apart from a sort of 'oh oh oh'
If no one gets it by a bit later, I might go to some effort to get a line in from the TV and record it somewhat better. You can actually hear it properly on the tv, despite her talking and people in the background.
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