NAND on the way right up!! More expensive Flash and SSDs

20 Jul 2009
The bleak North East arm pit of Britain

Well... Dark times lay ahead for SSD and Flash in terms of pricing. We have been lucky with very good value drives over the past few months with the prices being driven down.

The issue now however is that NAND in some cases has seen certain drives increase in price by as much as 20% :(

Our current stocks are being revalued now on a daily basis and the general trend is that it is all going up by a £ here and there.

So if you want some cheap SSDs you may not be able to get them for much longer.

I shouldnt imagine prices to drive too high, possibly 10% overall but companys such as OCZ who have had some major restructuring over the last few weeks will get hit hardest.

If your in the market for an SSD, sooner rather than later seems to be key here.
If it doesn't interest you to save a few £££s then, wait and pay more!

As for OCZ being hit the hardest, they are looing to make more money as making losses doesnt really work. The extent of it is that high that prices are getting driven up.

yes there is some stock out there at cheaper prices but just wait and they will clue on so your pools of cheap stock will soon dry up.

As for Q1 2013 ramping up, yes it will ramp up but as with everything, it takes 3 months to filter in fully so january sales wont hit until around march by then who knows what will have happened in between.

I have price lists in front of me, we are still below rebuy costs on a fair amount of lines. As stocks lower and approach a weeks worth of stock the prices will go up.

A simple case of "if you snooze, you lose".
All of your theory's are correct about prices dropping however lets assume a case of "sods law" and that in this instance theory is just theory and practice is different.

You can tell yourself pricing will continue to drop etc however when production and supplies are cut prices will go up. That is effectively what has happened.
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